Exercise Tutorials Flexibility/Recovery Personal Development Strength Training Uncategorized

What's Your Question Wednesday #5: "How Do I Squat With Knee Pain?"

Knee injuries are one of the most common in the gym, and pain is inevitable as you get older. Learn how to work around it!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness demonstrates how to squat if you are having pains in your knees.

Knee injuries can set you back completely in your workouts, but there are ways to squat to keep the weight and pressure off of them, and more on your thighs and glutes.

It WILL: make you more comfortable when squatting, and even STRENGTHEN your knees over time! —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Personal Development Strength Training Uncategorized

Will I Get Big and Bulky If I Lift Weights as a Woman?

If you’re a woman, there ARE ways to lift weights and not become big and bulky like many of you fear.

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness tells you how woman can lift weights WITHOUT getting bulky like a body builder.

This is a fear that many women have that drives them away from lifting weights. However, if done correctly, you can TONE your muscles instead.

It WILL: make you understand the right way to lift in order to avoid unwanted muscle gain. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

Tactic Thursday #4: "What's Better: Machines or Free Weights?"

Tactic Tuesday #4: “What’s Better: Machines or Free Weights?”

Do you think free weights are ALWAYS better than machines, or vice versa? Check this out to find out the pros and cons of each choice!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness tells you the benefits and downsides of machines and free weights.

Both alternatives have their benefits, such as preventing injury and working different muscles.

It WILL: show you which choice you should make for the type of lift or muscle you want to concentrate on, such as simple lifts compared to complex ones. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

Fat Burner Friday #3: Core Exercise: "Inch Worms and Planks"

Fat Burner Friday #3: Core Exercise: “Inch Worms and Planks”

After learning about staying focused and avocado this week, it is time for another Fat Burner Friday!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness demonstrates a new ab exercise to stabilize your core and burn belly fat.

Workout Description:
4 Rounds
Inchworms: 30 Seconds
Rest 15 Seconds
Planks: 30 Seconds
Rest 15 Seconds

Ignoring core workouts with your weekly routine will cause your core to weaken, which will put more stress on the rest of your body, slow your progress, and even possibly cause injury.

It WILL: give you a new core exercise that you can do practically anywhere! All you need is yourself and a mat surface. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

What's Your Question Wednesday #3: "How Do I Breathe While Lifting Weights?"

What’s Your Question Wednesday #3: “How Do I Breathe While Lifting Weights?”

Increase each of your lifts instantly with this quick tip on how to breathe when lifting!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness demonstrates how to inhale and exhale properly when doing any sort of weight training.

Breathing improperly or not at all while lifting can compromise your form and even decrease the amount you can lift.

It WILL: improve each of your lifts and ensure that you are getting the right amount of oxygen during your exercise. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

Fat Burner Friday #2: "Goblet Squats" Kettlebell Exercise and "Heel Touches"

Fat Burner Friday #2: “Goblet Squats” Kettlebell Exercise and “Heel Touches”

You’ve been learning about recovery all week, now it’s time for a new fat-burning workout!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness shows you the weekly fat-burner workout, which includes goblet kettlebell squats and heel touches.

Workout Description:
5 Rounds
Goblet Squats: 30 seconds each round
Heel Touches: 30 seconds each round

If you don’t try out new exercises on a weekly basis, you will not trigger every muscle that you should and will even get bored of the same exercises over time.

It WILL: give you a new exercise that will burn fat quick and strengthen your core, along with your glutes and legs. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Strength Training Uncategorized

"Should You Lift Weights For Basketball?' Interview with 5'8 D1 Athlete Ben Teer

You’ve been lied to all along. Here is the truth about lifting weights and basketball.

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness Interviews former D1 Basketball Player Ben Teer.

The answer is quite simple. If you want to be an average player, than you should NOT lift weights.

You will be a perfectly good basketball player in high school if you don’t.

But if you want to take your game to the next level and physically dominate your opponent, then lifting weights is what you NEED to be doing.

It will not mess up your shot. (as long as you keep shooting while your on your lifting program)

It will not make you slow (it will actually make you more explosive).

It WILL: Help you stand you stand out among your team, attract scouts, make your parents, teammates, and coach proud, and will also (as a little bonus) turn the ladies heads.


Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

"Best Kettlebell Exercises for Lower Body" Do these at home!

My best kettle bell exercises for the Lower body.

“Best Kettlebell Exercises for Lower Body” Do these at home!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness walks you through two great exercises:

1. KB Windmills
2. KB Side Swings

I recommend using these in your warmup OR in a regular workout.

In a warm up, perform 10 reps per side, or if in a workout, do 3 sets of 8 per side!

Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

3 Best Kettlebell Exercises for Strength (Part 3 of 3 in Kettlebell Series)

Ready for a good strength workout with the Kettlebells? Watch the video above to get it!

3 Best Kettlebell Exercises for Strength (Part 3 of 3 in Kettlebell Series)

There are so many great kettlebell strength exercises out there, but which ones should you be doing, and for how long and at what repetitions?

I give you everything you need in this quick video!

Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

Best Fat Loss Exercise with Kettlebells? (Part 2 of 3 in Kettlebell Series)

What’s the most effective fat loss exercise with kettlebells at home? Find out in the video above!

Best Fat Loss Exercise with Kettlebells? (Part 2 of 3 in Kettlebell Series)

There are a ton of great home exercises you can do at home for fat loss, but from training with hundreds of women, I’ve find this one takes the cake.

You want to take into consideration a lot of things when choosing your exercises:

1. What is the risk/reward?

Do the benefits from this exercise outweigh the risks of injury?

Luckily, when this exercise is performed with correct form, the chance for injury is very low. However, the benefits of this exercise are limitless. It opens up the hips (tight hips are a huge problem for most people) it strengthens the glutes which supports the lower back (back pain is another huge problem for a lot of people). This is also a great cardiovascular exercise when done in intervals.

2. How easily accessible is this exercise?

You don’t need any fancy equipment other than a kettlebell to perform it. Kettlebells are very affordable and are easy to store in small places (home or at a gym)

This is what makes this exercise my favorite fat loss exercise!

Enjoy the video!

To see Part 1 in this series, Click HERE.