Motivational Personal Development Uncategorized

How To Create More Free Time In Your Day

How To Create More Free Time In Your Day

Are you struggling to find free time for yourself? Follow these simple tips to increase personal time!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness gives you some simple tips on how to create more free time for yourself.

A busy schedule with no free time can cause great amounts of stress which can keep you unmotivated from pursuing your goals.

But if you follow these simple instructions, you will find more time to do the things you really enjoy!

It will NOT be expensive or time-consuming.

It will: give you more time to do the things you love and improve your overall quality of living. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Exercise Tutorials Motivational Personal Development Uncategorized

How To Set Your 30-Day Health And Fitness Goal "Simple way to Improve Health"

How To Set Your 30-Day Health And Fitness Goal “Simple way to Improve Health

Time to boost your Health! All you need to do is set your 30-day goal!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness introduces you to a new part of the program, the Monday Challenge.

If you never set goals to improve upon yourself, you will have trouble making improvements in your health and life.

But if you want to improve your health and fitness at a good pace, you can begin by setting your 30-60 day goal.

Time is NOT an obstacle here. There is always room to improve your way of living.

It WILL: pave the way for you to start improving your life in whatever way you desire. All you have to do is begin with setting your goal. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!


Strength Training Uncategorized

"Should You Lift Weights For Basketball?' Interview with 5'8 D1 Athlete Ben Teer

You’ve been lied to all along. Here is the truth about lifting weights and basketball.

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness Interviews former D1 Basketball Player Ben Teer.

The answer is quite simple. If you want to be an average player, than you should NOT lift weights.

You will be a perfectly good basketball player in high school if you don’t.

But if you want to take your game to the next level and physically dominate your opponent, then lifting weights is what you NEED to be doing.

It will not mess up your shot. (as long as you keep shooting while your on your lifting program)

It will not make you slow (it will actually make you more explosive).

It WILL: Help you stand you stand out among your team, attract scouts, make your parents, teammates, and coach proud, and will also (as a little bonus) turn the ladies heads.


Exercise Tutorials Strength Training Uncategorized

"Best Kettlebell Exercises for Lower Body" Do these at home!

My best kettle bell exercises for the Lower body.

“Best Kettlebell Exercises for Lower Body” Do these at home!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness walks you through two great exercises:

1. KB Windmills
2. KB Side Swings

I recommend using these in your warmup OR in a regular workout.

In a warm up, perform 10 reps per side, or if in a workout, do 3 sets of 8 per side!