Women’s Butt And Gut Workout – “Glute Workout for Women at Home”
We use Glute Bridges as a warmup and activation exercise every day in my classes because it has so many benefits for people who are sitting down all day – whether that be at school or at work. If done correctly like I outline below and in the video, it does a great job of really working those glutes and hamstrings, as well as opening up those hips that have been in flexion all day.
Russian Twists are awesome because rather they work your abs by flexing and twisting them. By working both of those motions, you’re able to hit both your obliques and upper abs really hard. They also have that “burn factor” that I’ve talked about in previous articles. They really make you feel like you’re working and you can’t help but love them.
Without further or do, here is the video walking you through the workout:
To recap what you saw in the video – here’s what the workout consists of:
6 Rounds:
10 Glute Bridges
20 Russian Twists (10 touches/side)
Normally I would add in a rest period to a circuit like this, but Glute Bridges are a slower exercise, and give you abs plenty of time to recover from the Russian Twists.
The first few rounds may seem easier but as the rounds go on it will get more difficult. If this is too easy, I will be releasing a harder version of the workout in the future. Until that time, you could make this more difficult by adding more reps to your Russian Twist, or increasing the amount of rounds that you complete.
The great thing about this workout is that you can do it anywhere! I hope you enjoy it and feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.
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In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness Systems walks you through a Cardio Circuit (No Running Involved) to help you improve your muscular endurance and burn fat.
In this workout, there are 2 exercises:
1. Kettlebell Swing
2. Seal Jumping Jacks
For Kettlebell Swings, use sets of 15 reps.
For Seal Jumping Jacks, use sets of 25 reps.
Do a total of 3 sets, and take 30 seconds rest in between sets!
In this video, Hunter Grindle goes over several tweaks you can make to your shoulder press form to prevent injury and make your shoulder press more efficient!
In this video, I talk about where to position the barbell in the bench press movement.
There a lot of different variations of the bench press, but some put more strain on the shoulders (especially the rotator cuff). If your main goal is to gain strength, then you will want to make sure you position the bar closer to the bottom of your chest.
This will allow more muscles to be worked, and will help you lift more weight.
You can apply this to your pushups too… just move your hands down, closer to the bottom of your chest, and you will feel that the movement works a lot of different muscles.
This will make the pushups harder, but you can adjust to this by moving your legs in, or even going on your knees. From there, you can steadily progress to a full pushup.