Motivational Personal Development

How I Used a Couch to Motivate Myself

Good Morning!

The past few months I have been reflecting on myself and really taking the time to uncover, “Who is Hunter Grindle?”

As my mentor once told me, “Success always begins with Truth“.

The hard part about discovering who are and what you want is that it always changes.

I needed to take this time to reflect because I was feeling unaligned with what I was doing, not as happy as I thought I should be, and extremely unmotivated.

So, I started adding and removing activities from my day to see if I could get that motivation and drive back.

I love what I do, but Id just been burning the candle from both ends for too long.

One test that I recently ran was scheduling one day a week (during the work week) where I don’t come to the gym at all.

I scheduled Brandon and Susan for all of the classes, and I stayed home.

I slept in.

Cooked myself a great breakfast.

I sat on my couch and played some video games.

And then worked.

Basically, I dedicated my entire morning to myself.

I found that by the end of the morning, I was being pulled to my computer to work. I was inspired. I was CRAVING working on Hybrid Fitness.

This is a motivation I hadn’t had in over a month.

What did it take?

Giving myself ME TIME. It took me doing the things I always want to do but can’t find the time to do.

And as soon as I did those things, I was itching to get back to my work!

Give this strategy a try for yourself.

What are the things you wish you could do each day but don’t have the time. How can you schedule them in once a week?

You’ll feel good about yourself, and you’ll be motivated to do the tasks that take willpower!

On a similar note, next week at Hybrid Fitness we are running a 6 Week Nutrition Challenge Called “Beautiful U“.

What’s different about this challenge is… yes we will give you the nutrition strategies it takes to reach your health goals.. (but a lot of you already know how to eat healthy). What we’re really going to focus on is how to help you get started and stick to those strategies for the long term.

We will be working on you, and helping you find what makes you tick.

There are only 8 spots left, for more details and to sign up if you’re interested, you can check out this link:

Have a Terrific Thursday!


We also adopted a cat yesterday from the Shelter! His name is Montgomery (we call him Monty). Now there are two tuxedo cats in the house! #classy

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