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Best Fat Loss Exercise with Kettlebells? (Part 2 of 3 in Kettlebell Series)

What’s the most effective fat loss exercise with kettlebells at home? Find out in the video above!

Best Fat Loss Exercise with Kettlebells? (Part 2 of 3 in Kettlebell Series)

There are a ton of great home exercises you can do at home for fat loss, but from training with hundreds of women, I’ve find this one takes the cake.

You want to take into consideration a lot of things when choosing your exercises:

1. What is the risk/reward?

Do the benefits from this exercise outweigh the risks of injury?

Luckily, when this exercise is performed with correct form, the chance for injury is very low. However, the benefits of this exercise are limitless. It opens up the hips (tight hips are a huge problem for most people) it strengthens the glutes which supports the lower back (back pain is another huge problem for a lot of people). This is also a great cardiovascular exercise when done in intervals.

2. How easily accessible is this exercise?

You don’t need any fancy equipment other than a kettlebell to perform it. Kettlebells are very affordable and are easy to store in small places (home or at a gym)

This is what makes this exercise my favorite fat loss exercise!

Enjoy the video!

To see Part 1 in this series, Click HERE.

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