
Moms Around the Country Discover Fitness Program that Eases “Empty Nest Syndrome”

Mothers throughout the US have been dealing with the effects of “Empty Nest Syndrome” for years.

“Empty Nest Syndrome” happens when children have grown and left the home, leaving parents with a physical and emotional void.

Although its known that fathers can also fall victim to this, mothers tend to be more susceptible and have severer mom-sending-son-off-to-collegesymptoms.

Its not uncommon for women to experience other life changing events simultaneously, such as menopause or caring for elderly parents, which can cause added stress.

Studies have shown women who are empty nesters can suffer from severe grief, anxiety, and in some cases, depression.

One mother said,

“It’s like I no longer had a purpose. I felt lost.”

Many psychologists recommend finding a new hobby, working on yourself, and exercising to help relieve the symptoms.

Luckily, there is a solution that has helped many empty nesters already.

It is a new but challenging fitness program that pushes both your physical and mental wellness. It meets you where you are at and progresses you steadily physically as the endorphins for the workout improve you mentally.

“When my son left for college in 2015, I faced the dreaded empty nest. Having time to myself for the first time in a long while, I joined the fitness program. Through the program, I reconnected to my identity as an individual. After years of prioritizing other’s needs, I rediscovered the joy and value of self care. I explored this new interest and made new friends. The program fulfilled many needs and eased the restlessness that comes with the empty nest syndrome”.

Looking back after taking the course, one of the mothers said,

“Having an empty nest is like staring at a blank canvas, and what better master piece to work on than yourself?”

Don’t leave your canvas empty and find out how you can start creating your masterpiece by clicking the blue button.

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