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Fat Burner Friday #3: Core Exercise: "Inch Worms and Planks"

Fat Burner Friday #3: Core Exercise: “Inch Worms and Planks”

After learning about staying focused and avocado this week, it is time for another Fat Burner Friday!

In this video, Hunter Grindle of Hybrid Fitness demonstrates a new ab exercise to stabilize your core and burn belly fat.

Workout Description:
4 Rounds
Inchworms: 30 Seconds
Rest 15 Seconds
Planks: 30 Seconds
Rest 15 Seconds

Ignoring core workouts with your weekly routine will cause your core to weaken, which will put more stress on the rest of your body, slow your progress, and even possibly cause injury.

It WILL: give you a new core exercise that you can do practically anywhere! All you need is yourself and a mat surface. —- More Training Videos, Workouts, and Content!
